State of Tennessee vs. LaKeith Humphrey


Case Overview

Inter. Case No. Style Trial Court Trial Court Judge Trial Court No.
State of Tennessee vs. LaKeith Humphrey Shelby County Criminal Court Coffee, Lee V. 0703131

Case Milestones

Description Date
Appeal Filed 06/29/2009
Record Filed 12/15/2009
Appellant(s) Briefing Complete 05/13/2010
Appellee(s) Briefing Complete 07/16/2010
Oral Argument/Submission 08/03/2010
Panel John Everett Williams; James Curwood Witt, Jr.; J. C. McLin
Decision Date 03/15/2011
Decision Type Opinion
Disposition Affirm
Appeal to S. Ct. Date 05/16/2011
Closed Date 04/28/2016


Names Role Counsel
Humphrey, LaKeith Appellant/Defendant McClusky, Joseph A; Massey, William Dennis
State of Tennessee Appellee/Plaintiff Findley, David H.

Case History

Date Event Filer PDF
06/11/2018 Appellate Record-Sent to State Archive
06/14/2016 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked In
04/28/2016 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked Out Michael Matthew Stahl
04/28/2016 Order-Check Out Archive Record Granted PDF
04/18/2016 Motion-Withdraw Archive Record Stahl, Michael Matthew (Non-Case Participant) PDF
08/23/2012 Allocation-Costs Allocated
08/17/2012 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked In
08/14/2012 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked Out
08/14/2012 Order-Check Out Archive Record Granted PDF
08/10/2012 Motion-Withdraw Archive Record
06/04/2012 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked In
05/03/2012 Allocation-Costs Allocated
04/26/2012 Appellate Record-Archive Record Checked Out
04/26/2012 Order-Check Out Archive Record Granted PDF
04/23/2012 Motion-Withdraw Archive Record
08/01/2011 Appellate Record-Sent to Local Archive
05/16/2011 Action-Case Appealed to Supreme Court
03/15/2011 Judgment-Filed PDF
03/15/2011 Opinion-Filed
03/11/2011 Appellate Record-Checked In from Court
08/03/2010 Action-Assignment to Judge or Justice
08/03/2010 Docket Activity-Heard
08/03/2010 Appellate Record-Checked Out to Court
07/27/2010 Docket Activity-Docketed (Oral Argument)
07/23/2010 Brief (Other)-Supplemental Authority Filed State of Tennessee
07/16/2010 Appellate Record-Checked In
07/16/2010 Brief-Appellee's Brief Filed State of Tennessee
06/18/2010 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
06/15/2010 Motion for Extension to File-Brief State of Tennessee
05/17/2010 Appellate Record-Checked Out Rachel E. Willis
05/17/2010 Appellate Record-Checked In
05/13/2010 Brief-Appellant's Brief Filed Humphrey, LaKeith
04/12/2010 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
04/08/2010 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
04/08/2010 Motion for Extension to File-Brief Humphrey, LaKeith
03/16/2010 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
03/12/2010 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
03/11/2010 Motion for Extension to File-Brief Humphrey, LaKeith
01/15/2010 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
01/12/2010 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
01/12/2010 Motion for Extension to File-Brief Humphrey, LaKeith
01/04/2010 Appellate Record-Checked Out Lorna S. McClusky
12/15/2009 Appellate Record-Original Filed
10/26/2009 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
10/23/2009 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
10/22/2009 Motion for Extension to File-Statement/Transcript of Evidence Humphrey, LaKeith
10/09/2009 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
10/08/2009 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
10/08/2009 Motion to Accept Late-Filed-Motion Humphrey, LaKeith
10/08/2009 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
10/08/2009 Motion for Extension to File-Statement/Transcript of Evidence Humphrey, LaKeith
09/18/2009 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
09/18/2009 Order Related to Extension-Granted
09/17/2009 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
09/17/2009 Motion for Extension to File-Statement/Transcript of Evidence Humphrey, LaKeith
08/27/2009 Order Related to Extension-Granted PDF
08/25/2009 Allocation-Fax Filing Invoice Billed
08/25/2009 Motion for Extension to File-Statement/Transcript of Evidence Humphrey, LaKeith
06/30/2009 Notice-Sent
06/29/2009 Initiating Document-TRAP 3 Notice of Appeal Received Humphrey, LaKeith
**NOTE: The case history section will include a column that will allow for the display of permitted documents in a PDF format.

Record Information

Volume Type Volumes Record Type
Technical Record 2 Original
Transcript of Evidence 7 Original
Exhibits 18 Original
Exhibits (Sealed) 1 Original